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我们提出了一种互动地控制静止图像中的流体元素的动画的方法,以产生阴影。具体而言,我们专注于水,烟雾,火的流体元素的动画,具有重复纹理和连续流体运动的性质。从先前作品中采取灵感,我们代表了恒定的2D光学流程图的形式中这种流体元件的运动。为此,我们允许用户提供任何数量的箭头方向及其相关速度以及用户想要动画的区域的掩码。然后,用户提供的输入箭头方向,它们对应的速度值和掩模被转换成表示恒定光学流程图(FD)的致密流图。我们观察到使用简单指数操作获得的FD可以密切地近似图像中元素的合理运动。我们进一步使用生成 - 对冲网络(GaN)来改进计算的密集光学流程图FD以获得更现实的流程图。我们通过在不同分辨率下向前翘曲输入图像特征来设计新的UNET基于基于UNET的架构来自动生成未来的帧,通过转发输入图像特征。我们在公开的数据集中进行广泛的实验,并表明我们的方法在定性和定量度量方面优于基线。此外,我们向培训集中不存在的方向上显示了对象的定性动画,并提供了一种综合视频的方法,否则在现实世界中不会存在。
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Model counting is a fundamental problem which has been influential in many applications, from artificial intelligence to formal verification. Due to the intrinsic hardness of model counting, approximate techniques have been developed to solve real-world instances of model counting. This paper designs a new anytime approach called PartialKC for approximate model counting. The idea is a form of partial knowledge compilation to provide an unbiased estimate of the model count which can converge to the exact count. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that PartialKC achieves significant scalability and accuracy over prior state-of-the-art approximate counters, including satss and STS. Interestingly, the empirical results show that PartialKC reaches convergence for many instances and therefore provides exact model counting performance comparable to state-of-the-art exact counters.
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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of an interpretable and semiautomatic approach to stage grading ocular pathologies such as Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertensive retinopathy, and other retinopathies on the backdrop of major systemic diseases. The experimental study aims to evaluate an explainable staged grading process without using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) directly. Many current CNN-based deep neural networks used for diagnosing retinal disorders might have appreciable performance but fail to pinpoint the basis driving their decisions. To improve these decisions' transparency, we have proposed a clinician-in-the-loop assisted intelligent workflow that performs a retinal vascular assessment on the fundus images to derive quantifiable and descriptive parameters. The retinal vessel parameters meta-data serve as hyper-parameters for better interpretation and explainability of decisions. The semiautomatic methodology aims to have a federated approach to AI in healthcare applications with more inputs and interpretations from clinicians. The baseline process involved in the machine learning pipeline through image processing techniques for optic disc detection, vessel segmentation, and arteriole/venule identification.
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Differentially private deep learning has recently witnessed advances in computational efficiency and privacy-utility trade-off. We explore whether further improvements along the two axes are possible and provide affirmative answers leveraging two instantiations of \emph{group-wise clipping}. To reduce the compute time overhead of private learning, we show that \emph{per-layer clipping}, where the gradient of each neural network layer is clipped separately, allows clipping to be performed in conjunction with backpropagation in differentially private optimization. This results in private learning that is as memory-efficient and almost as fast per training update as non-private learning for many workflows of interest. While per-layer clipping with constant thresholds tends to underperform standard flat clipping, per-layer clipping with adaptive thresholds matches or outperforms flat clipping under given training epoch constraints, hence attaining similar or better task performance within less wall time. To explore the limits of scaling (pretrained) models in differentially private deep learning, we privately fine-tune the 175 billion-parameter GPT-3. We bypass scaling challenges associated with clipping gradients that are distributed across multiple devices with \emph{per-device clipping} that clips the gradient of each model piece separately on its host device. Privately fine-tuning GPT-3 with per-device clipping achieves a task performance at $\epsilon=1$ better than what is attainable by non-privately fine-tuning the largest GPT-2 on a summarization task.
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In reinforcement learning (RL), the ability to utilize prior knowledge from previously solved tasks can allow agents to quickly solve new problems. In some cases, these new problems may be approximately solved by composing the solutions of previously solved primitive tasks (task composition). Otherwise, prior knowledge can be used to adjust the reward function for a new problem, in a way that leaves the optimal policy unchanged but enables quicker learning (reward shaping). In this work, we develop a general framework for reward shaping and task composition in entropy-regularized RL. To do so, we derive an exact relation connecting the optimal soft value functions for two entropy-regularized RL problems with different reward functions and dynamics. We show how the derived relation leads to a general result for reward shaping in entropy-regularized RL. We then generalize this approach to derive an exact relation connecting optimal value functions for the composition of multiple tasks in entropy-regularized RL. We validate these theoretical contributions with experiments showing that reward shaping and task composition lead to faster learning in various settings.
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Causal phenomena associated with rare events frequently occur across a wide range of engineering and mathematical problems, such as risk-sensitive safety analysis, accident analysis and prevention, and extreme value theory. However, current methods for causal discovery are often unable to uncover causal links between random variables that manifest only when the variables first experience low-probability realizations. To address this issue, we introduce a novel algorithm that performs statistical independence tests on data collected from time-invariant dynamical systems in which rare but consequential events occur. We seek to understand if the state of the dynamical system causally affects the likelihood of the rare event. In particular, we exploit the time-invariance of the underlying data to superimpose the occurrences of rare events, thus creating a new dataset, with rare events are better represented, on which conditional independence tests can be more efficiently performed. We provide non-asymptotic bounds for the consistency of our algorithm, and validate the performance of our algorithm across various simulated scenarios, with applications to traffic accidents.
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Chest X-ray (CXR) datasets hosted on Kaggle, though useful from a data science competition standpoint, have limited utility in clinical use because of their narrow focus on diagnosing one specific disease. In real-world clinical use, multiple diseases need to be considered since they can co-exist in the same patient. In this work, we demonstrate how federated learning (FL) can be used to make these toy CXR datasets from Kaggle clinically useful. Specifically, we train a single FL classification model (`global`) using two separate CXR datasets -- one annotated for presence of pneumonia and the other for presence of pneumothorax (two common and life-threatening conditions) -- capable of diagnosing both. We compare the performance of the global FL model with models trained separately on both datasets (`baseline`) for two different model architectures. On a standard, naive 3-layer CNN architecture, the global FL model achieved AUROC of 0.84 and 0.81 for pneumonia and pneumothorax, respectively, compared to 0.85 and 0.82, respectively, for both baseline models (p>0.05). Similarly, on a pretrained DenseNet121 architecture, the global FL model achieved AUROC of 0.88 and 0.91 for pneumonia and pneumothorax, respectively, compared to 0.89 and 0.91, respectively, for both baseline models (p>0.05). Our results suggest that FL can be used to create global `meta` models to make toy datasets from Kaggle clinically useful, a step forward towards bridging the gap from bench to bedside.
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Tuberculosis (TB), an infectious bacterial disease, is a significant cause of death, especially in low-income countries, with an estimated ten million new cases reported globally in $2020$. While TB is treatable, non-adherence to the medication regimen is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Thus, proactively identifying patients at risk of dropping off their medication regimen enables corrective measures to mitigate adverse outcomes. Using a proxy measure of extreme non-adherence and a dataset of nearly $700,000$ patients from four states in India, we formulate and solve the machine learning (ML) problem of early prediction of non-adherence based on a custom rank-based metric. We train ML models and evaluate against baselines, achieving a $\sim 100\%$ lift over rule-based baselines and $\sim 214\%$ over a random classifier, taking into account country-wide large-scale future deployment. We deal with various issues in the process, including data quality, high-cardinality categorical data, low target prevalence, distribution shift, variation across cohorts, algorithmic fairness, and the need for robustness and explainability. Our findings indicate that risk stratification of non-adherent patients is a viable, deployable-at-scale ML solution.
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我们提出了一种基于神经辐射场(NERF)的单个$ 360^\ PANORAMA图像合成新视图的方法。在类似环境中的先前研究依赖于多层感知的邻居插值能力来完成由遮挡引起的丢失区域,这导致其预测中的伪像。我们提出了360Fusionnerf,这是一个半监督的学习框架,我们介绍几何监督和语义一致性,以指导渐进式培训过程。首先,将输入图像重新投影至$ 360^\ Circ $图像,并在其他相机位置提取辅助深度图。除NERF颜色指导外,深度监督还改善了合成视图的几何形状。此外,我们引入了语义一致性损失,鼓励新观点的现实渲染。我们使用预先训练的视觉编码器(例如剪辑)提取这些语义功能,这是一个视觉变压器,经过数以千计的不同2D照片,并通过自然语言监督从网络中挖掘出来。实验表明,我们提出的方法可以在保留场景的特征的同时产生未观察到的区域的合理完成。 360fusionnerf在各种场景中接受培训时,转移到合成结构3D数据集(PSNR〜5%,SSIM〜3%lpips〜13%)时,始终达到最先进的性能,SSIM〜3%LPIPS〜9%)和replica360数据集(PSNR〜8%,SSIM〜2%LPIPS〜18%)。
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